Vancouver Fast Facts

Vancouver Fast Facts

To keep distance and size in perspective, consider this: Vancouver is located in British Columbia the fifth largest province or territory in Canada.

Nunavut, Quebec, Northwest Territories and Ontario are bigger.

British Columbia has a total area of 944,735 sq km or 364,764 sq. miles.

England by contrast has a total area of 130,395 sq km or 50,346 sq miles. So British Columbia is 7.24 times larger than England.

Latitude: N 49º 16’ 36” / Longitude: W 123º 07’ 15”
Size: 113 sq. km
Population: 580,000
Area Population: 2.2 million
Largest Port on the West Coast of North America
Largest City in British Columbia
Eighth Largest City in Canada though Metro Vancouver is the third largest metropolitan area in Canada

Annual Rainfall: 1117 mm (44 inches) 10% of that during the summer months
(For comparison: Seattle gets 37 inches a year and San Francisco 21 inches.)
Average Temperatures: 3°C (37.4°F) in January 18°C (64.4°F) in July.
Daylight: 16 hours in June / 8 hours in December
Growing season: 221 days (It is mild enough for Windmill Palms to grow here)

Features: Vancouver is surrounded by water on three sides and is overlooked by the Coast Mountain Range with peaks above 1,500 m. (4920 feet)

Canada Fast Facts

Area: 9,976,140 sq. km
Population: 33,006,347 (2002 est.)
Capital: Ottawa
People: British descent, French descent, German descent, aboriginal, and minorities of Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese, other Asian
Language: English (official), French (official)
Religion: Roman Catholic, United Church, Anglican, others
Government: Federation with parliamentary democracy
Prime Minister: Stephen Harper
Entry Documentation: US permanent residents need a passport or birth certificate and picture ID to enter Canada.
Economic Rating: First World Nation
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (west) is GMT/UTC -0800 hrs
Currency: Canadian Dollar = approx. 1.02 US Dollar
Weights & Measures: Metric